

Alice in Wonderland/魔境夢遊

Alice in Wonderland/魔境夢遊

Music by Danny Elfman

2010 Walt Disney Records

  Danny Elfman是個特色強烈又與時俱進的音樂家,90年代他在Tim Burton的電影中,開創了個人獨有的魔幻曲風,之後隨著接手片型越來越多元,他不斷擴充音樂型態,不免有些遠離了招牌風格,而<魔境夢遊>是90年代之後,Danny Elfman少數重返早期成名作風的作品,只有Tim Burton能讓愛莉絲夢遊仙境像<魔境夢遊>這般脫胎換骨,也只有Danny Elfman能這麼奇異靈幻的表現Tim Burton的詮釋,<魔境夢遊>展現了Danny Elfman最獨創也最讓人懷念的音樂語言,而且變得更加穩健洗練。

  貫串全場的主題曲Alice's Theme,由Danny Elfman包辦詞曲,是近年電影音樂中最精采的合唱作品之一,Danny Elfman一向偏好使用童聲合唱,純淨清幽的音質有別於男女聲樂,他使用這種音色演唱怪誕旋律,總是有種天真單純又古靈精怪的質感,Alice's Theme亦若是,而這首作品比他過去的童聲合唱曲更嚴謹,主旋律看似簡單,解構重組的手法卻緊湊而多變,管絃編曲有種沈穩紥實的學院派氣息,但這些作曲技巧的成熟感,完全無損其另類奇異的夢幻光澤,加上意境玄迷的歌詞,Alice's Theme就像一支神祕奇幽,似幻似真,進行曲式的詩歌,在故事中為愛麗絲的冒險與探索推波助瀾。

  Alice's Theme本身就有出色的戲劇性和情緒起伏,Danny Elfman將當中的元素拆解,變形,擴充,以合唱或器樂各種曲式,安插到故事的各個時刻,原聲帶中大半篇幅建立在這個主題上,但因為這個主題本身就很豐富,變化也很多元,因此並沒有通用全場只有一招的感受。其他的主旋律則不特出,毛蟲的神祕主題或反派角色的威脅旋律遠沒有Alice's Theme出色,但管絃編曲和音樂氣氛很到位。Little Alice,Only a Dream等曲目呈現了愛麗絲的其他抒情主題,旋律氣質比較柔和溫暖,編曲音色有點Howard Shore描寫哈比人的味道,旋律則像簡化版的<神駒黑美人—Black Beauty>,是我個人最喜愛的Danny Elfman作品之一。

  整部配樂在音色上主要有兩種型態,一種是Danny Elfman特有的古怪幽幻,另一種則秀麗典雅,如Proposal,讓幻境與實境的音樂氣質有所區分,不過在原聲帶中,這類描寫愛麗絲現實生活的古典作品收錄很少,至於瘋狂帽客在電影結尾的古怪舞曲也沒收錄,但我不覺得是個損失。<魔境夢遊>說明了好的電影音樂不一定會有很多主題旋律,如果只有一個主題旋律,只要把它寫得夠好,用得夠巧,也未嚐不可。


By Loyalwise Ye 2016/6/2


1. Alice's Theme  
2. Little Alice 
3. Proposal/Down the Hole 
4. Doors 
5. Drink Me  
6. Into the Garden  
7. Alice Reprise #1  
8. Bandersnatched 
9. Finding Absolem  
10. Alice Reprise #2 
11. The Cheshire Cat  
12. Alice and Bayard's Journey 
13. Alice Reprise #3 
14. Alice Escapes 
15. The White Queen  
16. Only a Dream 
17. The Dungeon  
18. Alice Decides 
19. Alice Reprise #4 
20. Going to Battle 
21. The Final Confrontation 
22. Blood of the Jabberwocky 
23. Alice Returns 
24. Alice Reprise #5  

Danny Elfman - Alice's Theme Lyrics

Oh, Alice, dear where have you been?
So near, so far, so in-between
What have you heard? What have you seen?
Alice! Alice! Please, Alice!

Oh, tell us, are you big or small?
To try this one or try them all
It's such a long, long way to fall
Alice! Alice! Oh, Alice!

How can you know this way not that?
You choose the door, you choose the path
Perhaps you should be coming back
Another day, another day

And nothing is quite what is seems
You're dreaming! Are you dreaming? Oh, Alice!

Oh, how will you find your way?
Oh, how will you find your way?
No time for tears today. No time for tears today.
No time for tears today. No time for tears today.

So many doors, how did you choose?
So much to gain, so much to lose
So many things got in your way
No time today, no time today
Be careful not to lose your head
Remember what the Dormouse said, Alice!

Did someone pull you by the hand?
How many miles to Wonderland?
Please tell us so we'll understand
Alice! Alice! Oh, Alice!

Oh, how will you find your way?
Oh, how will you find your way? 

